
Showing posts from December, 2023

Rubber Duck Debugging

  The Origin of Rubber Duck Debugging The concept of Rubber Duck Debugging is rooted in the idea that explaining a problem or code issue to someone else can lead to a deeper understanding and, often, a solution. The story goes that a programmer would carry around a rubber duck and, when faced with a problem, would explain the code or issue to the duck. In the process of articulating the problem, the programmer would often realize the solution without any input from the duck. This practice gained popularity as a form of solo brainstorming and debugging, and it has since become a humorous yet widely recognized method in the software development community. How Rubber Duck Debugging Works The process of Rubber Duck Debugging is simple but surprisingly effective: Grab a Rubber Duck: Obtain a rubber duck or any inanimate object. The choice of the object is not critical; your ability to articulate the problem to it matters. Place the Duck on Your Desk: Set the rubber du